Each human generation grows up with a new normal, a lower baseline of marine diversity and abundance. Most people don’t know what’s been lost. The loss is a result of disturbed or destroyed habitats, of overfishing, and of climate change that is both warming and acidifying the ocean.
Fortunately with a network of no-take marine protected areas (MPAs), it’s possible to benefit biodiversity and climate simultaneously. The biodiversity benefit is self-evident—as it is on land, where parks and refuges protect thousands of threatened species. How MPAs benefit fisheries is less obvious. The common perception is that closing areas to fishing hurts fishing interests.
The global fish catch has at best plateaued since the mid-1990seven as the fishing industry has increased its efforts to catch fish. The reason is that so many fish stocks are depleted and need a chance to rebuild. “Protected areas are not the enemy of fishing,” Sala says. “Our analysis shows that protection of the ocean can produce a net benefit to fishing.”
A case in point is what happened to the Hawaiian tuna long line fishery in the wake of the creation and expansion of the Pacific Remote Islands Marine National Monument, as one of the largest MPAs on Earth, it provides a haven for corals, birds, sharks, and whales. Fishers argued against it. Some researchers have found, however, that there has been no lasting economic harm to the local fishing industry.
It may seem counterintuitive, but the more fully an area is protected, the greater the benefit to fishers operating outside its boundary—an outcome that has been documented in species ranging from tuna to lobsters to clams. Fully protected marine reserves are like an investment account with an untouched principal: They provide yearly returns in the form of adult and larval fish and invertebrates that spill out of the reserves and replenish the stocks that fishers target.
There’s more than one benefit to protecting the ocean. “We cannot think of bio-diversity in isolation anymore,” Sala says, “and we cannot think of climate in isolation.”The climate benefit of MPAs arises because carbon dioxide is the main greenhouse gas in the atmosphere and marine sediments are one of Earth’s main carbon reservoirs, storing more carbon than soils on land. Undisturbed sediments can lock up carbon for thousands of years. When sediments are disturbed by bottom trawling or seabed mining, the stored carbon is released back into circulation.
選編自 National Geographic USA, September 2020, P116